One of the most important things a trainer must comprehend is that everybody is different. People have different goals, body styles, rates of metabolism, levels of fitness, conditions and ailments. Thus, I tailor make every program for every person, whether said person wants to lose fat, increase flexibility, increase endurance and stamina, "tighten up", increase muscle mass, increase strength or just better overall fitness. Additionally, some people are introvert, timid and/or self-conscious. I've been there! I always strive to create a comfortable atmosphere for you.
In fitness, just like most other aspects of life, a good, solid foundation is paramount. This translates to your legs and core. Every program I design will always establish this foundation and build from there. And while the overall design emphasizes maximum cardiovascular efficiency, it is always fine tuned to you. Your goals, your strengths, your personality.
The overall style of the 11 Fitness training program is similar to the "Boot Camp" style. However this can change drastically depending on the person and his/her goals. Sometimes, there will be little to no equipment used, other times there will be a different piece for every exercise. We have access to many different pieces of fitness equipment. Finally, I strive to make it as fun as possible! I guaranty it will never get repetitive as every training session will be different from the last.
Lastly, I feel the facility where we train is in a nice area of Fullerton. There are various parks nearby, so depending on the person, we also like throw in some variety when it comes to location. Training outside on a nice day is always in the cards!